Storm Coming Talpe - an oil painting by Raelene Shea

Raelene Shea is a Canadian artist who spends time traveling throughout Southern Asia, particularly Sri Lanka, and other parts of the world to seek inspiration for her artistic expressions. Raelene loves to immerse herself in different cultures and landscapes to gain a truly unique perspective for her paintings.

Along the south coast of Sri Lanka, you will find palm tree-lined beaches welcoming you to communities like the quiet little village of Talpe. Quiet, that is, until storms roll in from the Indian Ocean. The south-west monsoon season brings heavy rainfall and strong winds to the lower coastline between May and July.

This 26" x 36" oil on canvas painting by Raelene Shea depicts such a storm coming in over the sea toward the serene beach of Talpe, Sri Lanka. The play of contrasting dark and light colours highlight the dark, rolling clouds as they open up to release sheets of rain into a choppy surf.

This oil painting of Sri Lanka is for sale for $100 USD. Contact Raelene for more information and to view more of herPortfolio.