Hi, it’s Raelene Shea here sharing some news about the oil paintings I am working on. I’m a Canadian painter who enjoys traveling - and then painting the cultures and natural beauty I see. Recently I was visiting Doubtful Sound in the South Island of New Zealand. One of the cool, rainy, autumn mornings I took a picture of the Sound from the deck of the Fjordland Navigator. A couple of weeks ago I completed a pastel study of this picture – and now I’m working on an oil painting as well. This will be my first piece of work based on that pastel study! Today I’m painting in my outdoor studio in Tangalle, Sri Lanka.

As you can see from the picture of my painting, I have laid in the big shapes, wanting to capture the value differences with the distances as if entering the fjord. For this first foundation of oil paint I have used only Prussian, Violet Grey, Veridian, Titanium White, and Ultramarine. By mixing small amounts of all and then making tints, I have given the initial painting the value gradients needed to show the depth of the Fjord and the shadows on the water. Next I will begin shaping the clouds and the structure of the mountains.

This painting will take many layers of light glazing to really create the atmosphere - the cool temperature, the light rain and mist on the mountains, the feeling of fall, the clearness of the water, and the serenity of the moment.

Please check back on my News page to keep up with all of my of work! This is my first painting of my trip to New Zealand. I hope to capture the beauty of what I saw in this piece of art. If you would like to see other paintings I have done check out my portfolio.