Market Day In Myanmar - 32" x 24" Original Oil Painting by Raelene Shea - I don't usually do detailed drawings before starting a painting, I usually do  the larger shapes and then begin painting, but  these scenes with figures and many articles require placement. Next,  I start with the lights, progressing to the mid values, and then the darks. These market scenes are facinating with their chaos and clutter. I eliminated quite a lot of items from the scene to make it manageable and I wanted the focus on the interaction between the seller and the buyer in the hat. I haven't figured out how to  paint the noise level that accompanied the transaction.  I am fascinated with market scenes and the interactions of daily life there. Markets are usually the heart of the community in developing countires and are a great place to learn about local culture. SOLD - This painting now lives in Brussels, purchased by a guest at Moonstone Villas. I am working on the next version, similar but never the same.