New Sri Lanka Studio Space - September 28th 2017

New Sri Lanka Studio Space,

For Raelene Shea, the constant warm climate of Sri Lanka is ideal for her enjoyment of painting. In this update she talks about her new studio space in Sri Lanka and how the warmth affects her ability to stay indoors while she works on oil paintings or pastels. Read on to see what she has to say:

The constant Sri Lankan climate of 30C and a slight breeze makes it desirable to live with the doors open most of the time. This gives the painter many options for working indoors during the rainy season, or outdoors - but always with the doors and windows open. Studio spaces need not be big, as you see mine is only 14 ft X 14 ft but opens to the veranda and also the sitting/dining room. There are no problems with ventilation for oil painting or pastel work. It is kind of like working en plein air in a setting with all your supplies at hand.

Stay tuned for photos of my new studio space in Kelowna - to be ready in August of 2018.